In 1990 I met a man.
I was 15 (but-16-in-nine-days).
He was 23.
I fell in love.
So did he.
‘Tomorrow’ was our song…
Will you be there beside me
If the world falls apart?
And will all of our moments
Remain in your heart?
Will you be there to guide me
All the way through? I wonder will you?
Walk by my side, and follow my dreams.
And bear with my pride, as strong as it seems.
Will you be there tomorrow?
Will you be there beside me
As time goes on by?
And be there to hold me
Whenever I cry?
Will you be there to guide me
All the way through? I wonder will you?
In 1992, 5 days after my 18th birthday, we got married.
And Twenty years later, here we are.
I still fall in love with him every time he makes me laugh. Which is a lot.
Of course, I throw things at him too these days. Hey ho.
I look back at the lyrics of that cheesy old 80’s rock song which will randomly pop up on the iTunes and still make us grin goofily at each other and I think… yes. A quiet, happy, confident, loud YES. You did all those things actually.
Our ‘Tomorrow’ has been pretty bloody good so far, thanks.
(And for every single one of you who’s reading this with no clue what the song is, you can hear it in all its loveliness below. Along with a smattering of Joey Tempest and his truly glorious hair)
Kate Davis-Holmes
April 13, 2011 — 12:20 pm
Congratulations on your ongoing marriage and still being able to celebrate it. I like how your post shows that young love relationships don’t necessarily break down whilst hoping to God my daughter does not bring a man home at 16!
My attempt at the Gallery is over at
April 13, 2011 — 1:12 pm
oh what a happy post :)
Funky Wellies
April 13, 2011 — 2:40 pm
Lovely post. I like the link between the theme and your song.
April 13, 2011 — 9:56 pm
Oh what a lovely lovely post.