Happy Birthday Blue
You arrived unexpectedly – a large dollop of a bear-puppy, all tummy and feet and soft nuzzly nose. You have…
You arrived unexpectedly – a large dollop of a bear-puppy, all tummy and feet and soft nuzzly nose. You have…
… and she and Bear are Best Friends ForEVER.
I expected No.1 to love Blue, to welcome her into the family the way he has all his siblings with…
(I know, I know, something other than puppy-posts soon, I promise. She’s a bit all-consuming at the moment!) So, finally,…
Carpet. Wallpaper. Skirting Board. Cushions. Furniture. *sigh* Even taking a photo doesn’t keep you safe from the Tooth Quest…
So. in all the excitement I forgot the details. We have been thinking about a puppy for a lo-o-ong time….