Me, Him, The Four, The Cakes, The Laundry - The Life.

Crikey. WHAT a holiday that turned out to be.

Summer. Wide beautiful (weirdly-coloured-sand) beaches, hidden strips of moorland, the Best Stream Ever, and… time.

Time to play, to laugh, to be silly, to eat, to snooze, to splash. Time to Be.

And, most precious, most joyous joy of allĀ  – time for our prickly, awkward, angry middle man to fall in love with his Daddy again.

Rather a lot of the fortnight looked like this
This was our toot-too, Chugga, Chugga, Big red car (yes, they LOVE The Wiggles)
We stayed as late as we possibly could
watching the sun go down was simply magical
Sad boy fell onto some barnacle covered rocks. Very Big Ouch.
But it wasn't all beach, beach beach (yes, he's biting a stone. No I don't know why. No he didn't swallow it).
We came across the BEST river - and went back and played All. Day. Long. Pure Boy Heaven.
But then we went back for more Beaching
Dead Crab hats are so IN this year, doncha know.
But actually, this right here was the biggest magic of all. Just as this was taken, C turned to me and BEAMED. Boy had just slipped his hand in and held tight.

And this is how the holiday finished. this is the Boy who decide months ago that he simply would NOT cuddle his Daddy any more. And just about broke his Daddys heart. Can't tell you quite what this one image means to C.
