Following our most perfect of evenings on the beach, we took a meandering drive home across country, avoiding the main roads and singing and chatting.

Jolly spoke to me, and mis-pronounced, saying “Lummy, Look at…” Cue much squeals of laughter, and Boy yelping ‘Lummy Litchcock!” (our surname is Hitchcock, which is important for what follows…)

A new game was born. Following Lummy Litchcock, we had Daddy as Laddy Litchcock of course, and then roars of everyone’s names being changed to begin with L.

One of those stoopid silly games which is intensely funny after a long day of being together being silly.

We were all laughing and joining in, taking turns to pick new letters. Things were going swimmingly as we romped through the alphabet –  for some reason H was very funny – Hink Hitchcock, Holly Hitchcock, Hoy Hitchcock and Humber Hun, Haddy and Hummy; see, even with our web names its mildly amusing. Me as Dummy Ditchcock caused much mirth, as did my Tummy Titchcock.

We’d been playing for a while, and got to that everything’s-giggle-worthy wheezy stage, when Boy picked ‘B’…
