This one was trickier than I expected. The obvious choice is an image of the children laughing, enjoying, just being.
But I wanted to avoid the obvious – Joy is such a deep, searing emotion, and I’m so lucky to have so much of it in my life. We are a family which takes a LOT of photos, and I have so very many to choose from for this.
But this week, right now, amid all the happiness of the school holidays and the long days just doing ‘happy stuff’ there have been moments when I have simply felt my insides sing.
Moments which wouldn’t look like much to anyone else, but for me, for us, they have such enormous meaning. And such deep, deep joy in watching.
That’s No.1.
Being 11.
Running, laughing, falling, being stoopid…
And right now, there’s nothing much more joyful than that.
(for those new to the blog, here’ s precisely why these images fill us with joy…)
This post is part of Tara’s weekly Gallery over on Sticky Fingers – be sure to have a look at what everyone else has done, and leave them a nice comment. Exploring the gallery entries is always an adventure.
April 14, 2010 — 9:18 am
Oh I can can ‘feel’ your joy and I agree, times like those are fantastic and joyful!
April 14, 2010 — 11:49 am
Looks like loads of fun! I found it tricky too – so much to choose from :)
April 14, 2010 — 2:33 pm
Beautiful boy having fun. Perfect.
Tara@Sticky Fingers
April 14, 2010 — 9:23 pm
Running around and being ‘stoopid’ – absobluminlutely joyous! I do it sometimes still. Thankfully no one takes photos!
April 14, 2010 — 9:25 pm
That’s truly joyful – your heart must have lifted seeing your boy so full of energy and playfulness. A lovely post. x
April 14, 2010 — 9:42 pm
Nova – thankfully I have a life filled with ‘times like those’. I’m a lucky person.
Heidi – it was very tricky – and the whole evening was a LOT of fun, and left us all tired and beaming.
Chris – thank you. That about sums it up.
Tara – oh my yes. We have a lot of being stooopid. And there’s frequently someone around with a camera to capture them :)
Audrey – “so full of energy and playfulness” – that’s exactly the phrase. He has been lacking both for so many months, you don’t even know what it was that you were missing until you see it again.
April 15, 2010 — 1:43 pm
great pictures, totally full of joy :)