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This blog is purely a personal family record – I don’t do paid advertising, sponsored posts or reviews here. If you’re looking for that kind of thing, come visit me at the day job on If you’d just like to say hello, then mail me on, or come find me on Twitter.

This is Me. Just a couple of years ago.

Me… Wife to Him. Mother to The Four. Writer, Editor. High Executioner to an Evil Overlords Empire. Cooker of meals. Washer of clothes. Soother of hurts. Eater of Cake.
Just your average, ho hum, every day super hero.

  • A 70’s child, I’ve been married for a Very Long Time, and appear to have made four children, and collected one large and useless dog along the way.
  • I work, I have four children, I have a dog… ergo, I do not do dusting or ironing.
  • I began blogging back in (gulp) 2004 – some of you will already know me from my ‘day job’ running LittleStuff
  • I like huge mugs of tea. And Coffee. And Cake. And a steaming cone of crispy fresh fluffy chips, smothered in salt and vinegar. #healthyeater
  • When I grow up I am going to be quietly graceful, organised and wear lipstick every day. In the meantime I *may* have a slight butterfly-brain issue.

C…  photographer, friend and comedian. Love him.

No.1… 17 year old son, diagnosed with ME (or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) in 2009, but healthy since he was 14. For now. Smart, funny, interesting, mature and a little bit wonderful around the edges. Unbelievably clever at whatever he’s passionate about – and equally unbelievably talented at talking non-stop for very long periods of time on Very Dull Things.

Boy… middle son, aged 14, stringbean with tin ribs, never stops moving. Clown of the family, utterly passionate in all he does, wears his heart on his sleeve. Life is lived at headlong pace, moral compass is Magnetic North, our own Enid Blyton 1940’s boy. Just makes the world a better place.

Jolly… youngest son, 13 – soft & sensitive with a loud, liquid giggle, still likes nothing more than cars and soldiers and his family. Quick to fierceness, quick to be sorry. Lives in a cloud; inside the daydreams is a very sharp brain, we are told. But difficult to know for sure through the fluffiness. Contented like a cat whenever he is held, but one of life’s worriers.

Bear…  9. Happy, skippy, headstrong, independent, opinionated and the darling of the family. Utterly charms all who meet her, very very bright, sparky, meltingly beautiful when she smiles, demands frequent and lavish affection and a whole Harry Potter CD before bed pleasethankyou (currently on Goblet of Fire…)