Me, Him, The Four, The Cakes, The Laundry - The Life.
November 30, 2012
Blue goes to London – and doesn’t break the BBC!
We did it! We made it to London and back without breaking anything or losing ourselves!
We left home at just after 6, collected by a taxi to take us to the station. When I got up, Blue opened one eye and sighed at me in a ‘you-have-to-be-kidding-can’t-you-see-it’s-still-dark-outside fashion, but by the time I had her lead on she was willing (ish) to go.
The show itself was, on the whole, annoyingly pointless. Unlike the normal watchdog show there was no investigation, no resolution, and they simply skimmed the surface of the issue with some platitudes. I’ll write more tomorrow about why we were there i the first place – and I’ll try and video the clip so that you can see Blue-the-TV-star hogging the camera ;)