Maybe I’ll just…. RAR a bit? What a Totally Bloody Bonkers week.
Why does everything happen all at once?
I set myself up with it nicely with truly a mentally scarring Period-from-most-hellish-corner-of-hell episode (entailing couple of hours with clients in the studio, and thanking my lucky stars for black skirts and red cushions), so being drained and feeble I’ve entered the next 10 days of No.1’s 1st concert (guitar solo), and Boy being in mahoosive-important football tournament finals, and another all day football tournament, the dog with an infected paw that won’t heal, the MADS launching (for which I have been spectacularly brilliant behind the scenes *cough*), C’s been in hospital for an unpleasant procedure, 3 out of 6 of us fighting off a throaty-coughy-temperature-THING, an overnight press trip to Chessington which’ll be awesome sauce (but for which I spectacularly failed to think about dog care for…), and C, Boy and Jolly off to Old Trafford till 4 in the morning (school trip!), an inbox threatening to get up and walk out it’s so sick of me stuffing more into it, and trying to get a PR to actually follow though with their offers of a holiday for my poor knackered crew…
Roll on the bloody Easter holidays!
*and bre-e-eathe*
Okay, as you were. I’ll leave you with my What I Saw on My Walk Tonight. But it was MUCH prettier in real life. A phone with low battery doesn’t do it justice. And you just can’t photograph the sheer delicious SMELL of fresh spring damp earth, can you?
I’m turning off to go watch the Help. Or maybe curl up with Book 4 of the Game of Thrones. Which is bloody brilliant. Night all. x