Easter holidays did for me. No, really, they did. Such a wonderful couple of weeks – not doing anything particular, going nowhere important, and yet… every day a special one.
We asked the boys at the beginning of the holidays what it was they would like to do. We created a list, stuck it on the fridge – and gradually ticked them off.
Want to see what their hearts desired from their holiday?
- The Beach
- The Woods
- Swimming
- Cycling the abandoned air field
- Cinema trip
- Wardour Castle
Such wanton desires, no? Really, how could we refuse such a list?
The only thing we didn’t manage was the airfield – Jolly only just having learned to stay upright on two wheels we felt the airfield would be a bit much for his first trip. So we did the old railway instead (no curves to navigate, see?), and plan on a day at the airfield next week.
Apart from that, we managed it all. We played, and laughed, and sang, and were silly. They had a Boys Day Out to the cinema, whilst Bear and I had a Girls Day In. We picnicked in the garden, we watched the sun set over the sea, we chased through the woods and played Block at the castle. We slept late and got up late, heaped together to watch a late night film… And every day the sun shone, there was magic in the air, and the family was HAPPY.
And today school starts again. And Bear starts nursery. And the house so full and loud will be quiet and still for a while.